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95 % of the clients I have worked with over the years are missing AT LEAST two out of the four critical, proven marketing systems that are necessary to achieve maximum business growth.

Sales Funnel Tips And Tricks

Raise The Bar in Your Business

Raising The Bar

September 10, 20247 min read

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. - Unknown

This post contains links...some of them will direct you to my own resources and offers...some of them may be affiliate links. Just know I'll never share a link to a free or paid offer/service that I haven't already used or vetted first!

Hey There, Beautiful Badass!

Let's get real for a moment. There comes a time in every entrepreneur's journey when they need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. And I'm not talking about checking if you've got spinach in your teeth (though that's important too). I'm talking about the kind of soul-searching that makes you question everything you've been doing in your business.

Well, folks, I recently had one of those moments. And let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. It was like looking into one of those magnifying mirrors where you can see every pore, every wrinkle, every... you get the idea. But as uncomfortable as it was, it led to an epiphany that's changing everything about how I run my business. And I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you might need to hear this too.

Business Plan Overhaul

The Wake-Up Call: Recognizing the Crater

For years, I've been on a mission to help women entrepreneurs solve their business problems without breaking the bank. Sounds noble, right? Well, here's the kicker: in my zealous pursuit of this mission, I ended up creating a massive hole in my own business model. And I'm not talking about a little pothole you can swerve around. I'm talking about a crater so big it makes the Grand Canyon look like a sidewalk crack.

Why? Because the women I want to help are often stuck in three major traps:

  1. The "Zero Budget" Trap: They're trying to build a business with pocket lint and wishful thinking.

  2. The "System Resistance" Trap: They're avoiding systemizing their business like it's a root canal, not realizing it's the key to saving time and money in the long run.

  3. The "Not Ready" Trap: They think they need to have everything figured out before they can take action. (Spoiler alert: You'll never be 100% ready!)

By catering to this demographic exclusively, I was essentially running a marathon in flip-flops. Sure, I was moving, but was I really getting anywhere? More importantly, was I making the impact I set out to make?

The Epiphany: It's Time to Raise the Bar

There I was, surrounded by sticky notes and empty coffee cups, when it hit me like a ton of bricks. The impact I should be making was still out there, waiting for me to catch up. And that's when I realized: It's time to raise the bar.

Now, when I say "raise the bar," I'm not just talking about setting higher goals. I'm talking about fundamentally changing my approach to who I serve and how I serve them. It means raising my prices, yes, but more importantly, it means shifting my focus to work with women who are a bit further along in their entrepreneurial journey.

Why? Because to really help those starting out, I need to start working with women who have bigger budgets, sure, but more importantly, women who have the heart to give back. It's like creating an ecosystem of support and growth.

The New Vision: Building a Movement, Not Just Businesses

Here's where things get exciting. By shifting my focus to work with more established entrepreneurs, I'm not abandoning my mission to help women starting out. I'm supercharging it.

Imagine this: A community of powerful, successful women entrepreneurs, all committed to not just their own success, but to lifting others up along the way. We're talking mentorship programs, scholarship funds for new business owners, workshops that don't cost an arm and a leg... and yes, maybe even a secret handshake. (Because why the hell not?)

This isn't just about building businesses anymore. It's about creating a ripple effect that can change the entire entrepreneurial landscape. It's about building a damn movement!

Addressing the Elephants in the Room

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. "But what about those of us who can't afford your new prices?" or "Aren't you abandoning your original mission?"

These are valid questions, and they deserve honest answers. So here's the truth: By focusing on working with more established entrepreneurs, I can create more resources, more content, and more opportunities for those just starting out. It's like economic trickle-down, but it actually works!

Think about it this way: If you're just starting out, do you really need a premium, all-bells-and-whistles package? Probably not. What you need are solid fundamentals, a supportive community, and access to knowledge. And that's exactly what this shift is going to provide—on a much larger scale.

By partnering with successful entrepreneurs who are committed to giving back, we can create a wealth of resources and opportunities for those at the beginning of their journey. Free workshops, affordable group programs, mentorship opportunities—all of these become possible when we build a community of empowered women helping other women.

Why This Matters (Even If You're Just Starting Out)

You might be wondering, "That's great for established entrepreneurs, but what about me? I'm still trying to figure out how to make my first dollar!"

Here's the beautiful thing about this new approach: it's designed to benefit entrepreneurs at all stages. If you're just starting out, you're going to have access to more free resources, more affordable entry points, and more opportunities to learn from those who've been there and done that.

But there's another reason why this shift matters, even if you're at the very beginning of your journey. It's about mindset.

Too often, we start our businesses thinking small. We focus on just making ends meet, on solving the immediate problem in front of us. And while that's necessary in the short term, it can keep us playing small in the long term.

By exposing yourself to a community of women who are thinking bigger, who are not just building businesses but creating legacies, you start to expand your own vision of what's possible. You start to see beyond the day-to-day hustle and glimpse the bigger impact you could make.

And let me tell you, once you get a taste of that bigger vision, it changes everything. It changes how you approach your business, how you value your time and skills, and ultimately, the impact you can make in the world.

Call to Action: So, here's where the rubber meets the road. If you're an established entrepreneur, someone who's weathered the storms and come out stronger, I want to talk to you. If you're passionate about not just your own success, but about creating opportunities for others, we need to chat.

Book a coffee chat with me. Let's see how we can create some real impact together. And I promise, the coffee's on me—virtually, at least.

And if you're just starting out, don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you-book a coffee chat so we can get started today...before the low budget offers start to go up or disappear. Stay tuned, because with this new direction, I'll be able to offer more free resources, more accessible content, and more opportunities than ever before. You're not being left behind—you're being set up for even bigger success.

Book a Coffee Chat with JKN!

Watch the Full Explainer Video!!

Elevating Your Support System

Ready to take your business to new heights? My group program offers a VIP experience designed to give you more support than a Kardashian at a makeup counter. From Ask Me Anything guidance to a community that's got your back, we've got everything you need to slay your customer journey. Join the #FixMyFunnel Mixer here: https://solutionswithjkn.com/fix-my-funnel

Join the Conversation

Now it's your turn to shine, ladies! Share your thoughts, questions, and hilarious anecdotes in the comments below. Let's laugh, learn, and rewrite the rules of entrepreneurship together. Because when it comes to building badass businesses, there's no one I’d rather do business with than you!

your first funnelyour first funnel challengefunnel introduction examplewhat is funnel creationbuild your first funnelwhat is a sales funnelfunnel builder meaningeasy funnel strategyhigh level funnel builderhigh level funnelwhat is a sales funnel in marketingautomate my businessbusiness automationsdone for you automationshighlevel automationshighlevel workflowsclient management systememail marketingemail onboarding sequencecoffee chatsraise my pricesbusiness planchange my business planbusiness model overhaulscalable business impactmentorship programsbusiness growth strategies
blog author image

JKN Solutions

Funnel Badass JKN (Jennifer Kempfer-Norris) has been building funnels and helping solopreneurs systematize their business since 2019. She is a master problem solver and is 100% addicted to coffee.

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JKNSpire Your Day

Raise The Bar in Your Business

Raising The Bar

September 10, 20247 min read

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. - Unknown

This post contains links...some of them will direct you to my own resources and offers...some of them may be affiliate links. Just know I'll never share a link to a free or paid offer/service that I haven't already used or vetted first!

Hey There, Beautiful Badass!

Let's get real for a moment. There comes a time in every entrepreneur's journey when they need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. And I'm not talking about checking if you've got spinach in your teeth (though that's important too). I'm talking about the kind of soul-searching that makes you question everything you've been doing in your business.

Well, folks, I recently had one of those moments. And let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. It was like looking into one of those magnifying mirrors where you can see every pore, every wrinkle, every... you get the idea. But as uncomfortable as it was, it led to an epiphany that's changing everything about how I run my business. And I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you might need to hear this too.

Business Plan Overhaul

The Wake-Up Call: Recognizing the Crater

For years, I've been on a mission to help women entrepreneurs solve their business problems without breaking the bank. Sounds noble, right? Well, here's the kicker: in my zealous pursuit of this mission, I ended up creating a massive hole in my own business model. And I'm not talking about a little pothole you can swerve around. I'm talking about a crater so big it makes the Grand Canyon look like a sidewalk crack.

Why? Because the women I want to help are often stuck in three major traps:

  1. The "Zero Budget" Trap: They're trying to build a business with pocket lint and wishful thinking.

  2. The "System Resistance" Trap: They're avoiding systemizing their business like it's a root canal, not realizing it's the key to saving time and money in the long run.

  3. The "Not Ready" Trap: They think they need to have everything figured out before they can take action. (Spoiler alert: You'll never be 100% ready!)

By catering to this demographic exclusively, I was essentially running a marathon in flip-flops. Sure, I was moving, but was I really getting anywhere? More importantly, was I making the impact I set out to make?

The Epiphany: It's Time to Raise the Bar

There I was, surrounded by sticky notes and empty coffee cups, when it hit me like a ton of bricks. The impact I should be making was still out there, waiting for me to catch up. And that's when I realized: It's time to raise the bar.

Now, when I say "raise the bar," I'm not just talking about setting higher goals. I'm talking about fundamentally changing my approach to who I serve and how I serve them. It means raising my prices, yes, but more importantly, it means shifting my focus to work with women who are a bit further along in their entrepreneurial journey.

Why? Because to really help those starting out, I need to start working with women who have bigger budgets, sure, but more importantly, women who have the heart to give back. It's like creating an ecosystem of support and growth.

The New Vision: Building a Movement, Not Just Businesses

Here's where things get exciting. By shifting my focus to work with more established entrepreneurs, I'm not abandoning my mission to help women starting out. I'm supercharging it.

Imagine this: A community of powerful, successful women entrepreneurs, all committed to not just their own success, but to lifting others up along the way. We're talking mentorship programs, scholarship funds for new business owners, workshops that don't cost an arm and a leg... and yes, maybe even a secret handshake. (Because why the hell not?)

This isn't just about building businesses anymore. It's about creating a ripple effect that can change the entire entrepreneurial landscape. It's about building a damn movement!

Addressing the Elephants in the Room

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. "But what about those of us who can't afford your new prices?" or "Aren't you abandoning your original mission?"

These are valid questions, and they deserve honest answers. So here's the truth: By focusing on working with more established entrepreneurs, I can create more resources, more content, and more opportunities for those just starting out. It's like economic trickle-down, but it actually works!

Think about it this way: If you're just starting out, do you really need a premium, all-bells-and-whistles package? Probably not. What you need are solid fundamentals, a supportive community, and access to knowledge. And that's exactly what this shift is going to provide—on a much larger scale.

By partnering with successful entrepreneurs who are committed to giving back, we can create a wealth of resources and opportunities for those at the beginning of their journey. Free workshops, affordable group programs, mentorship opportunities—all of these become possible when we build a community of empowered women helping other women.

Why This Matters (Even If You're Just Starting Out)

You might be wondering, "That's great for established entrepreneurs, but what about me? I'm still trying to figure out how to make my first dollar!"

Here's the beautiful thing about this new approach: it's designed to benefit entrepreneurs at all stages. If you're just starting out, you're going to have access to more free resources, more affordable entry points, and more opportunities to learn from those who've been there and done that.

But there's another reason why this shift matters, even if you're at the very beginning of your journey. It's about mindset.

Too often, we start our businesses thinking small. We focus on just making ends meet, on solving the immediate problem in front of us. And while that's necessary in the short term, it can keep us playing small in the long term.

By exposing yourself to a community of women who are thinking bigger, who are not just building businesses but creating legacies, you start to expand your own vision of what's possible. You start to see beyond the day-to-day hustle and glimpse the bigger impact you could make.

And let me tell you, once you get a taste of that bigger vision, it changes everything. It changes how you approach your business, how you value your time and skills, and ultimately, the impact you can make in the world.

Call to Action: So, here's where the rubber meets the road. If you're an established entrepreneur, someone who's weathered the storms and come out stronger, I want to talk to you. If you're passionate about not just your own success, but about creating opportunities for others, we need to chat.

Book a coffee chat with me. Let's see how we can create some real impact together. And I promise, the coffee's on me—virtually, at least.

And if you're just starting out, don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you-book a coffee chat so we can get started today...before the low budget offers start to go up or disappear. Stay tuned, because with this new direction, I'll be able to offer more free resources, more accessible content, and more opportunities than ever before. You're not being left behind—you're being set up for even bigger success.

Book a Coffee Chat with JKN!

Watch the Full Explainer Video!!

Elevating Your Support System

Ready to take your business to new heights? My group program offers a VIP experience designed to give you more support than a Kardashian at a makeup counter. From Ask Me Anything guidance to a community that's got your back, we've got everything you need to slay your customer journey. Join the #FixMyFunnel Mixer here: https://solutionswithjkn.com/fix-my-funnel

Join the Conversation

Now it's your turn to shine, ladies! Share your thoughts, questions, and hilarious anecdotes in the comments below. Let's laugh, learn, and rewrite the rules of entrepreneurship together. Because when it comes to building badass businesses, there's no one I’d rather do business with than you!

your first funnelyour first funnel challengefunnel introduction examplewhat is funnel creationbuild your first funnelwhat is a sales funnelfunnel builder meaningeasy funnel strategyhigh level funnel builderhigh level funnelwhat is a sales funnel in marketingautomate my businessbusiness automationsdone for you automationshighlevel automationshighlevel workflowsclient management systememail marketingemail onboarding sequencecoffee chatsraise my pricesbusiness planchange my business planbusiness model overhaulscalable business impactmentorship programsbusiness growth strategies
blog author image

JKN Solutions

Funnel Badass JKN (Jennifer Kempfer-Norris) has been building funnels and helping solopreneurs systematize their business since 2019. She is a master problem solver and is 100% addicted to coffee.

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The UNinstagramable

Raise The Bar in Your Business

Raising The Bar

September 10, 20247 min read

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. - Unknown

This post contains links...some of them will direct you to my own resources and offers...some of them may be affiliate links. Just know I'll never share a link to a free or paid offer/service that I haven't already used or vetted first!

Hey There, Beautiful Badass!

Let's get real for a moment. There comes a time in every entrepreneur's journey when they need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. And I'm not talking about checking if you've got spinach in your teeth (though that's important too). I'm talking about the kind of soul-searching that makes you question everything you've been doing in your business.

Well, folks, I recently had one of those moments. And let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. It was like looking into one of those magnifying mirrors where you can see every pore, every wrinkle, every... you get the idea. But as uncomfortable as it was, it led to an epiphany that's changing everything about how I run my business. And I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you might need to hear this too.

Business Plan Overhaul

The Wake-Up Call: Recognizing the Crater

For years, I've been on a mission to help women entrepreneurs solve their business problems without breaking the bank. Sounds noble, right? Well, here's the kicker: in my zealous pursuit of this mission, I ended up creating a massive hole in my own business model. And I'm not talking about a little pothole you can swerve around. I'm talking about a crater so big it makes the Grand Canyon look like a sidewalk crack.

Why? Because the women I want to help are often stuck in three major traps:

  1. The "Zero Budget" Trap: They're trying to build a business with pocket lint and wishful thinking.

  2. The "System Resistance" Trap: They're avoiding systemizing their business like it's a root canal, not realizing it's the key to saving time and money in the long run.

  3. The "Not Ready" Trap: They think they need to have everything figured out before they can take action. (Spoiler alert: You'll never be 100% ready!)

By catering to this demographic exclusively, I was essentially running a marathon in flip-flops. Sure, I was moving, but was I really getting anywhere? More importantly, was I making the impact I set out to make?

The Epiphany: It's Time to Raise the Bar

There I was, surrounded by sticky notes and empty coffee cups, when it hit me like a ton of bricks. The impact I should be making was still out there, waiting for me to catch up. And that's when I realized: It's time to raise the bar.

Now, when I say "raise the bar," I'm not just talking about setting higher goals. I'm talking about fundamentally changing my approach to who I serve and how I serve them. It means raising my prices, yes, but more importantly, it means shifting my focus to work with women who are a bit further along in their entrepreneurial journey.

Why? Because to really help those starting out, I need to start working with women who have bigger budgets, sure, but more importantly, women who have the heart to give back. It's like creating an ecosystem of support and growth.

The New Vision: Building a Movement, Not Just Businesses

Here's where things get exciting. By shifting my focus to work with more established entrepreneurs, I'm not abandoning my mission to help women starting out. I'm supercharging it.

Imagine this: A community of powerful, successful women entrepreneurs, all committed to not just their own success, but to lifting others up along the way. We're talking mentorship programs, scholarship funds for new business owners, workshops that don't cost an arm and a leg... and yes, maybe even a secret handshake. (Because why the hell not?)

This isn't just about building businesses anymore. It's about creating a ripple effect that can change the entire entrepreneurial landscape. It's about building a damn movement!

Addressing the Elephants in the Room

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. "But what about those of us who can't afford your new prices?" or "Aren't you abandoning your original mission?"

These are valid questions, and they deserve honest answers. So here's the truth: By focusing on working with more established entrepreneurs, I can create more resources, more content, and more opportunities for those just starting out. It's like economic trickle-down, but it actually works!

Think about it this way: If you're just starting out, do you really need a premium, all-bells-and-whistles package? Probably not. What you need are solid fundamentals, a supportive community, and access to knowledge. And that's exactly what this shift is going to provide—on a much larger scale.

By partnering with successful entrepreneurs who are committed to giving back, we can create a wealth of resources and opportunities for those at the beginning of their journey. Free workshops, affordable group programs, mentorship opportunities—all of these become possible when we build a community of empowered women helping other women.

Why This Matters (Even If You're Just Starting Out)

You might be wondering, "That's great for established entrepreneurs, but what about me? I'm still trying to figure out how to make my first dollar!"

Here's the beautiful thing about this new approach: it's designed to benefit entrepreneurs at all stages. If you're just starting out, you're going to have access to more free resources, more affordable entry points, and more opportunities to learn from those who've been there and done that.

But there's another reason why this shift matters, even if you're at the very beginning of your journey. It's about mindset.

Too often, we start our businesses thinking small. We focus on just making ends meet, on solving the immediate problem in front of us. And while that's necessary in the short term, it can keep us playing small in the long term.

By exposing yourself to a community of women who are thinking bigger, who are not just building businesses but creating legacies, you start to expand your own vision of what's possible. You start to see beyond the day-to-day hustle and glimpse the bigger impact you could make.

And let me tell you, once you get a taste of that bigger vision, it changes everything. It changes how you approach your business, how you value your time and skills, and ultimately, the impact you can make in the world.

Call to Action: So, here's where the rubber meets the road. If you're an established entrepreneur, someone who's weathered the storms and come out stronger, I want to talk to you. If you're passionate about not just your own success, but about creating opportunities for others, we need to chat.

Book a coffee chat with me. Let's see how we can create some real impact together. And I promise, the coffee's on me—virtually, at least.

And if you're just starting out, don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you-book a coffee chat so we can get started today...before the low budget offers start to go up or disappear. Stay tuned, because with this new direction, I'll be able to offer more free resources, more accessible content, and more opportunities than ever before. You're not being left behind—you're being set up for even bigger success.

Book a Coffee Chat with JKN!

Watch the Full Explainer Video!!

Elevating Your Support System

Ready to take your business to new heights? My group program offers a VIP experience designed to give you more support than a Kardashian at a makeup counter. From Ask Me Anything guidance to a community that's got your back, we've got everything you need to slay your customer journey. Join the #FixMyFunnel Mixer here: https://solutionswithjkn.com/fix-my-funnel

Join the Conversation

Now it's your turn to shine, ladies! Share your thoughts, questions, and hilarious anecdotes in the comments below. Let's laugh, learn, and rewrite the rules of entrepreneurship together. Because when it comes to building badass businesses, there's no one I’d rather do business with than you!

your first funnelyour first funnel challengefunnel introduction examplewhat is funnel creationbuild your first funnelwhat is a sales funnelfunnel builder meaningeasy funnel strategyhigh level funnel builderhigh level funnelwhat is a sales funnel in marketingautomate my businessbusiness automationsdone for you automationshighlevel automationshighlevel workflowsclient management systememail marketingemail onboarding sequencecoffee chatsraise my pricesbusiness planchange my business planbusiness model overhaulscalable business impactmentorship programsbusiness growth strategies
blog author image

JKN Solutions

Funnel Badass JKN (Jennifer Kempfer-Norris) has been building funnels and helping solopreneurs systematize their business since 2019. She is a master problem solver and is 100% addicted to coffee.

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