Struggling to Fix Your Funnel So You Can

Scale Your Business?

* *Do any of these sound like you?!* *

My Funnel Is NOT Converting!

  • You've poured blood, sweat and tears into your funnel but it's still not converting. You've tried everything - the free plus shipping offer, tripwire, lead magnet - but nothing seems to move the needle.

How The Hell Do You Even Build A Landing Page?

  • You know you need landing pages and a full funnel strategy to scale your biz but every time you try to build one, you end up with a hot freaking mess. The tech overwhelms you and you have no idea how to turn your offer into an optimized digital asset.

I Don't Have The Time To Figure This Out

  • Your funnel mockups have been sitting untouched for months. You just can't find the time between client work, content creation and putting out fires to focus on actually building your money-making machine.

Why Isn't There Someone

Who Could Just Answer My ONE Question?

  • You wish you had someone to turn to when you get stuck or need feedback. But your solo hustle is lonely. You feel like you're just grasping in the dark, wasting time and money on strategies that fail. If only you had support.

Get The Focus, Time, And Support You Need For Just $7!!

How can the #FixMyFunnel

Mixer help?!

One hour every week dedicated to #FixMyShit. Share your screen, let's troubleshoot what's not working and #FillTheHoles.

One hour every week to create time dedicated to working on our sales funnels. Stop putting off the things you need to do to increase your conversion rate.

Not only will you have an hour to brain storm and strategize with the #FunnelBadass, but collaborate with other entrepreneurs to grow your network and get ideas and feedback on your own projects!

The #FixMyFunnel Mixer finally provides the space to access an expert, troubleshoot in real time, get structured peer feedback and dedicated focus time you need to build a high converting funnel.

No more guessing games or unsupported solo headaches. This ecosystem of action-taking badasses will get your offer optimized and income amplified.

Your Funnel Fixing Formula For Finally Seeing Results

  • Get exponential growth by collaborating with high level peers, dedicated to your success

  • Shortcut MONTHS of trial and error by getting direct input on YOUR funnel

  • Enjoy intentional focus on your biz growth

  • Finally get the momentum you've been chasing

Get The Focus, Time, And Support You Need For Just $7!!

I Know This Mixer Is A Game Changer...But Here's What Some Other People Have To Say...