Funnels To Fortunes

Turn Your Funnel Into A Fortune

Discover 12 different funnel strategies to turn your Funnels To Fortunes!

I'm a Strategist, Implementator, Speaker, Educator, Entertainer, Disruptor, Mother, and the World's Loudest Hype Woman

Just like you, I wear many hats, but my passions are in digital marketing...funnel strategy specifically...and all the tech that makes it go Vrroommm!

My super power is helping people JUST LIKE YOU:

  • figure out how to tell the world about their life changing product, service, or offer

  • do it HOW they want

  • and fill the holes in the journey, keeping clients from buying your shit

Funnel Strategist


Marketing isn't just posting on your social media. And posting to FB or IG every couple of days, isn't going to get you the traffic you're looking for. Learn how to #TakeUpSpace


Sales doesn't have to be icky or a chore. In fact, everything we do, every day is selling. Learn how to ask your clients to #BuyMyShit with confidence!!


Somewhere, we learned to think we can't make a difference and a lot of money at the same time. I call #BullShit When we operate from a place of service driven purpose, profit is needed to make the biggest impact. #SpeakYourTruth

Engage Your Audience

Tried & tested communication tactics designed to attract new business, re-engage lost opportunities and expand sales with existing customers.

Attract New Customers

Our services will help you attract new customers and grow your current customer base.

Increase Your Revenue

95 % of the clients I have worked with over the years are missing AT LEAST two out of the four critical, proven marketing systems that are necessary to achieve maximum business growth.


I Help Badass Solopreneurs turn IDEAS into CASH by creating NO BRAINER OFFERS, teach them to FUNNEL like a badass, and launch with BOLD RESULTS

Mastermind membership giving you accountability, tech and automation support, strategy sessions, and peer support and reviews..

Need clarity on your offer, customer journey, or funnel build? Schedule a 1:1 session to work out the kinks and create an action plan.

Ready for an expert to test your funnel and help you fill the holes? I'll go through your funnel from start to finish and identify the best places to make sure your clients don't fall through the cracks!

You don't know what you don't know. Meaning, you often don't know what questions to ask, where to start, or even to look for guidance. Get unlimited access to #TheOnlyJKN to stop floundering in the unknown and make massive stides.


I Deliver Confidence.

You can find 100 coaches that will help you figure out what your goals are...

You can work with a gagillion experts that will try to convince you you HAVE to do XYZ to achieve your end result...

You'll be hard pressed to find a mentor to keep you from making the stupid mistakes I have, develop strategies that you ACTUALLY WANT TO DO, create SIMPLE action plans, teach you how to make it ALL WORK, while developing an out of this world confidence level that draws your clients to you effortlessly.

You. Are. A. Badass.

Let me show you!