Your Secret Weapon for Building a Powerful Network

The Coffee Chat Funnel Strategy

August 26, 20244 min read

The secret of getting ahead is getting started - Mark Twain

This post contains links...some of them will direct you to my own resources and offers...some of them may be affiliate links. Just know I'll never share a link to a free or paid offer/service that I haven't already used or vetted first!

Hey There, Beautiful Badass!

Today, we’re going to explore a strategy that often flies under the radar but is absolutely crucial for building a robust network—mastering the coffee chat. You might think it’s just a casual meet-up, but if you use it strategically, a coffee chat can open doors, forge powerful connections, and even land you clients.

Let’s dive in and turn this simple meeting into a powerhouse tool for your business.

What Is a Coffee Chat and Why It Matters: At its core, a coffee chat is a one-on-one, informal meeting over coffee—or your beverage of choice—where you connect with someone new. Whether it's a peer, a potential client, or a mentor, the goal is to build relationships, exchange value, and set the stage for future opportunities.

This isn’t a discovery call or a sales pitch; it’s about genuine connection.

Coffee Chat Funnel Strategy

Coffee chats are the lifeblood of your network for several reasons:

  • Low Pressure: They’re relaxed, fostering authentic conversations.

  • Relationship Building: They create personal connections that are hard to achieve in large networking events.

  • Information Exchange: It’s a perfect setting to discuss industry trends, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Opportunity Creation: Many business deals and partnerships start with a simple coffee chat.

  • Personal Branding: It’s your chance to leave a lasting impression and showcase your expertise.

Preparing for the Perfect Coffee Chat:

Preparation is where the magic happens. Know your goal—whether it’s learning about their business, exploring collaborations, or just getting on their radar.

Here's your prep checklist:

  • Research: Do your homework. Know their background, achievements, and current projects.

  • Prepare Questions: Have at least five open-ended questions ready. Examples include: “What’s been your biggest challenge in [their industry] this year?” “I noticed you recently launched [project]. What inspired that?” “Where do you see the biggest opportunities in our industry right now?” “How can I help you get a quick win today?”

  • Take Notes: Bring a notebook or use a device to jot down key points. It shows you value their insights and helps with follow-up.

Executing the Chat Like a Pro:

Start with small talk to break the ice, then transition into your questions.

The golden rule?

Listen more than you speak.

You’re here to learn and connect, not to pitch. Use body language—maintain eye contact, lean in slightly, and nod to show you’re engaged. Always provide value before the chat ends. Whether it’s a book recommendation, an introduction to someone in your network, or sharing a relevant resource, make sure they walk away feeling like they gained something.

The Critical Follow-Up:

The follow-up is what turns a one-time chat into a lasting relationship. Send a thank-you email within 24 hours, mentioning specific points from your conversation. Set a reminder to check in again in a few weeks, share an article, or just send a quick message letting them know you were thinking of them. Consistent follow-up is key to maintaining the connection.


Mastering the coffee chat strategy is about building genuine relationships, being curious, and consistently providing value. Implement these steps, and watch your network—and your opportunities—grow exponentially.

So, go ahead and schedule that coffee chat. It might just be the start of something incredible.

Call to Action: Have a coffee chat this week? Share your experience in the comments! What did you learn? What surprised you? Remember, every empire starts with a single conversation.

Book a Coffee Chat with JKN!

Watch the Full Strategy Video!!

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Now it's your turn to shine, ladies! Share your thoughts, questions, and hilarious anecdotes in the comments below. Let's laugh, learn, and rewrite the rules of entrepreneurship together. Because when it comes to building badass businesses, there's no one I’d rather do business with than you!

Funnel Badass JKN (Jennifer Kempfer-Norris) has been building funnels and helping solopreneurs systematize their business since 2019. She is a master problem solver and is 100% addicted to coffee.

JKN Solutions

Funnel Badass JKN (Jennifer Kempfer-Norris) has been building funnels and helping solopreneurs systematize their business since 2019. She is a master problem solver and is 100% addicted to coffee.

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